Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to make a "Write your own name!" animation:
find the text tool in the side bar on the eft hand side of your screen.
type your name.
once your name is typed, use the erase tool (the tenth tool down on your left side bar) to erase the PART of the first letter of your name. You want to make sure you start at the end. 

You want to duplicate your layers frequently so your animation isn't choppy (to duplicate/copy right click for the menu.)

After you duplicate your layer, hide the previous layer by clicking on the eye. This makes it so you can see what you are erasing. 
Continue erasing each letter (in order) using the steps listed above. 
when you are completely done with erasing, click "Create Frame Animation" if it says "Create Video Timeline" click on the drop arrow directly to the right of it to change it.
Then, select ALL of your frames. To make sure they are all together click the first one then hold down the "shift" key and click the last one. 
After you've selected all of the frames, click the menu in the lower right hand side. 
from the menu click on "make frames from layers" 

At this point, the layers will not have a back ground. select all of your layers (shift click) and click on the eye next to your background layer (you will need to click twice)
Select all of your layers one last time (shift click) and hit reverse frames
When you are done, change "once" to "Forever"
you can do that by clicking on the tab.

Friday, September 18, 2015

This past week in e9 we made a animation video of our own name. This was a time consuming project but it was a lot of fun to see it all come together. We started this project at the beginning of the year when we used words to describe ourself. It's harder than it looks to think of ten accurate words about yourself. it was really cool to see what everyone truly thinks of them self. Enjoy my third e9 project.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

This my second animation for Mr. Olson's e9 class. I had a few difficulties on this project including how choppy my work is. I enjoyed working on this project and getting to help and be helped by my neighbors. Somethings I learned in this project is how to use arcs and how to make it more realistic by using squash and stretch with rotations.