Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Entertainment Video Senior Final

Throughout my 4 years in eComm I not only learned how to make films I learned skills that will follow me through any path life reveals to me. I learned how to use industry equipment which gave me real world experience. Of course there were struggles with the equipment because of the amount of people using it, it won't always be in the best shape. We learned how to communicate with our teammates as well as our clients in each project which is very important because it gives you the real life experience and the skills to feel comfortable talking to someone who wants you to work with them. Collaboration. This is where it gets tougher. I loved working in groups fo ray projects especially when I found my good group of people who worked well together. However, at the beginning go the year I felt stuck and I felt like I was being used fo ray drive and ability to make  quality projects leaving me as the only person carrying a team. This one goes into leadership. It is hard to direct or lead a team when not even half of the people there are willing to put in the work. I am thankful that eComm taught me that when work isn't getting done you need to figure out how it will get done. I think that the most important quality of a leader is the ability to problem solve and make the decisions he/she needs to make for team as a whole. Project Management is a key factor of eComm and life in general. In eComm in all honesty I believe we lack here. In the real world if someone doesn't meet their deadline or is asked more than once to do something by their boss, they get fired. I feel like the deadlines were always curved because the people in our class know Mrs. Smith is so kind and doesn't want to see them fail. However, if they don't fail, they won't learn. I feel as if my greatest strength is the ability to find the happiness in the tough times. You're probably thinking how does that relate to eComm but let me tell you, you will face rejection more times than not while trying to make it in the film industry and if yo left that beat you down every time where will you go? I think that it is important to say "yeah I messed up here so next time when I do this I'll get it right" and I think thats SO important. There are people in our class that will cry or get super upset by someone simply telling them their shot s shaky or they think if they did this on their video it would be better and thats just not how life works. If you let the criticism get to you, you won't make it and it took me a long time to figure that out. I'm obviously not perfect. I mess up all the time but I try to put on a good face to cover it up.  I'm a teenage girl and theres drama of course but I don't take that with me on set or anywhere else. I feel like if I could change anything within the eComm program it would be in the feature film area. I think that people who don't want to do it shouldn't. its hard to work for a team who doesn't want to be there. Overall, I have loved my eComm experience this year has been the hardest year with a whole different load of drama coming in which I have never had before but none the less I found my group of people to keep me uplifted and positive and to help me be the best that I can be.

The Reshoot a Documentary By Sarah Peek and Olivia Markey About The Delivery A Short Film By Carson Bird

This was my Mini Doc and by far the best project I have worked on all year. Olivia had the idea and she pitched it to me and right away I was hooked. It had a unique feel to it that was like no other film I had made this year and I think it has to do with the group I worked with. when you wok with people who want to be there your end results are a lot more sufficient. We filmed the Doc in one night but it took several hours. George edited it over an entire day and we got it turned in. thought it may seem like we rushed it that is not it at all. It was a drive between filmmakers who share a passion and wanted to get it done. That is one of the most special experiences I have had this year. our top challenge was the due date. Everyone in my group was a prominent role in the feature film and didn't have time to go an film or edit so we turned ours in late. Along the way I learned that when you find your group of people that make you better rather than drag you down you are more likely to make something you will love and other people will love rather than being forces to work with people who only want to show someone else that they are better. Like all critics some people hated our do. but an overwhelming amount go people still loved it. I think a lot of times were proud of something then we get shot down because we think oh this person didn't like it that means it's not good when in reality it's just a different kind of taste that people have.

Film Reel

The next project I'm super proud of is my film reel. I love my film reel because no one has anything even remotely similar to me. Not only because of what I'm shooting but because I feel like I have a different flow when Im shooting. I have edited my film reel a numerous amount of times trying to get it as perfect as it can be but like always some people won't like it it and I learned to be okay with that.  I think overall my film reel shows a perfect example of who I am.


not many people liked this one but Armin and I worked very hard on it. There is a ton of underlying symbols that many people didn't catch on to. we wanted to show how some people dance as an escape and they feel trapped with how others want to perceive them and we didn't execute it to everyones liking. However, I love the cinematography and the editing of this piece.

I think it shows for its self during the feature film time how much I did outside of class. Of course I heard what people were saying when they said I wasn't doing my job and that they were doing all my work. But lets be real here, I did their work. I stayed after school until 6 or 7 a ton in the final stages (and I get out after 4th hour) I went home and make schedule breakdowns and made sure our locations were good I wrote down blocking in my script and made myself familiar with it before filming. I think that I felt with things that I shouldn't have had to deal with and its an unfortunate thing to have to say as it is my senior year. However thats  here you learn. I wouldn't have learned without the struggles. In the end the people in our class will have learned more than the other classes because we had to deal with the struggles and the challenges and thats how you learn to fix it and problem solve. I like to think I'm a good leader. I know many people don't think so because I've heard them (or their friends) talk about it to or around me. However I think when people say that its because they want what you have in my case its drive and motivation. I was the director of our feature film and it was really hard. I feel as if people didn't aways appreciate the work I put in then took advantage of my drive (and also Carson, Mary, Olivia, George, Spencer, Seth, and Nathan's) at the end of the process. It's not fair to see someones name in a prominent production role when the didn't pull their weight. In class we did a ton of pre preproduction before overshoot and toward the end the class go really good at planning and things went very smooth.

I lobed the friends I made this year in entertainment the memories will stick with me for ever. If I could change one thing in entertainment it would be giving people more set in stone deadlines so that they don't slack and they get things done better. Overall I learned to brush of the negativity and focus on how that makes you better and finding a good group of people who will help you learn and become more successful. if I could give myself a piece of advice it would be to not let anything stand in my way and to show the world what I have to offer them because it's a lot. I want to Mrs. Smith to know that I thank her for being like another mother to me and I want her to know how grateful I am to have had her for the past 3 years. the future of eComm is in great hands especially with the director fo the Delivery sitting right over there. (;

Thank you Mrs. Smith. I'll miss you.