Wednesday, December 16, 2015

e9 Semester final website

My semester final for e9 was to make a website. I struggled quite a bit but i had the lovely Helen to help me! follow her blog at

Once I got the hang of it, it was quite easy.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Chase Scene

We were given the instruction to make a chase scene. The scene had to be 60-90 seconds long. We got the freedom to make it what ever we wanted. In my scene, A phone gets stolen and its all about trying to get it back. If I had a chance to this this again, I would tighten up a few of my shots to make it flow better, I would also add a few more shots to make it more understandable. The last thing I would change would be making sure to follow the 180 degree rule. Other than that I wouldn't change anything else.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

printing SPeek

In this project I used the 6 shot system to show the correct way to print.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Animal Personality Test

This person likes to rake lead. The lion is good at making decisions and is very goal-oriented. they enjoy challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Lions will step on anyone tot get to the top and achieve their goal. They can be aggressive and competitive. They need to learn to control their feelings in though situations. 

A good example of this personality is Scar from The Lion King. Scar will do what ever it takes to get to the top. His competitive nature gets the best of him when he kills his own brother to be king. This is an example of having to learn to control his feelings. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Personality Test

Being an ESFJ I am a conscientious helper. In this case judging doesn't mean looking at a person and making fun of them. It means having things orderly and in balance. ESFJ's value tradition and they make his or her families their first priority.

-Extraversion: Energized by time with others 
-Sensing: Pays attention to facts/details
-Feeling: Prioritize people and emotions 
-Judging: Prefer structure and order

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Six Shot System

The six shot system helps make each camera shot interesting and pleasing to the eye. In the blog post below you will see how the six shot system works.

Extreme wide shot 
The extreme wide shot is used to show the setting. 
When using this shot you want to make sure to get the whole scene including your person/ objects body.

Wide shot 
With the wide shot, you want to make sure you get your character from head to toe.
This is used to introduce the character.

Medium Shot
This shot is used to tie every shot together. 
We use this when we want to show detail about our character.
Close up of the face
With this shot, its especially important that you use the rule of thirds. 
(rule of thirds: making sure the subject is not in the middle of the picture.)
A close up of the face is good for expressing the emotion within the character. 

Close up of hands
A close up of the hands is used to show what the subject is doing.
The rule of thirds is also very important here as well. 

Over the shoulder
You use this when you want to see through the characters eyes. 
Over the shoulder is used for perspective. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Social Media

Schools around the united states are denying students into their school because of their inappropriate use of social media. 

After reading the article, They loved your GPA , then they saw your tweets by Natasha Singer, I look into what I post on my social media. Though I would never post anything that could cause me trouble in the future, I still have to make sure my sarcastic comments aren't taken the wrong way.

Social medias can give you connections. Depending on the career, some careers need creative people and social media can show what you can do. But you need to make sure you use it correctly.

I questioned how schools find you on social media, is that a job? or is it invasion of personal space?

I was surprised that some schools stopped their programs using social medias because of problems in the past. 

My main question is why would you deny someone if their GPA could raise the standards in your school. For all you know they could cure cancer.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

This is my last e9 animation project. I found sketch-up fairly difficult but it was fun to use. I will miss my favorite teacher MR. Ols

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to make a "Write your own name!" animation:
find the text tool in the side bar on the eft hand side of your screen.
type your name.
once your name is typed, use the erase tool (the tenth tool down on your left side bar) to erase the PART of the first letter of your name. You want to make sure you start at the end. 

You want to duplicate your layers frequently so your animation isn't choppy (to duplicate/copy right click for the menu.)

After you duplicate your layer, hide the previous layer by clicking on the eye. This makes it so you can see what you are erasing. 
Continue erasing each letter (in order) using the steps listed above. 
when you are completely done with erasing, click "Create Frame Animation" if it says "Create Video Timeline" click on the drop arrow directly to the right of it to change it.
Then, select ALL of your frames. To make sure they are all together click the first one then hold down the "shift" key and click the last one. 
After you've selected all of the frames, click the menu in the lower right hand side. 
from the menu click on "make frames from layers" 

At this point, the layers will not have a back ground. select all of your layers (shift click) and click on the eye next to your background layer (you will need to click twice)
Select all of your layers one last time (shift click) and hit reverse frames
When you are done, change "once" to "Forever"
you can do that by clicking on the tab.

Friday, September 18, 2015

This past week in e9 we made a animation video of our own name. This was a time consuming project but it was a lot of fun to see it all come together. We started this project at the beginning of the year when we used words to describe ourself. It's harder than it looks to think of ten accurate words about yourself. it was really cool to see what everyone truly thinks of them self. Enjoy my third e9 project.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

This my second animation for Mr. Olson's e9 class. I had a few difficulties on this project including how choppy my work is. I enjoyed working on this project and getting to help and be helped by my neighbors. Somethings I learned in this project is how to use arcs and how to make it more realistic by using squash and stretch with rotations.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

This is Sarah's very first animation project. This project was really fun once we got started. I enjoyed figuring out everything with my friends and the help of Mr. Olson. I used the techniques that Mr.Olson showed us to create this project.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hello! My name is Sarah Peek. 
I am an E-com student at Olathe North West High school.