Tuesday, May 8, 2018

No Film School- Mockumentary

Recently a group and I have decided to make a "mockumentary" all about our eComm class. The original goal was to make it like the office, but after reading the article and watching the video below, I had learned that mockumentaries come in all genres.

Television hit, "The Office" Star Jenna Fischer said that the producer let her discover her relationship between Pam and Roy on her own. It is included that the Camera becomes its own character as well with the abrupt movements and breaking of the 4th wall. Author of the article, Erik Luers defines a mocumentary; "Encompassing a style long associated with the work of nonfiction—handheld camerawork, jarringly abrupt edits, fly-on-the-wall scenarios, the breaking of the fourth wall—mockumentaries are often hilarious due to the execution of the form: how could something this absurd be real?"  Webster Dictionary defines it as a facetious or satirical work presented in the style of a documentary. Mockumentaries such as "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation" with a humorous approach where as "The Blair Witch Project" is also in the category of mockumentary-- horror. What I can take from this article is the idea of not making your project fit into a specific genre. I will write a story line and have actors know the story line and improv so you can see natural acting. To find out more about mockumentaries read the article below:

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