Monday, September 10, 2018

Spotify Commercial

My first project for senior year was a Spotify commercial. We were given the task to create a commercial following the Key principals of film making as well as the five objectives of a good commercial. Our group collaborated to come up with our idea: A boy gets ready for his date and realizes his radio is broken so he does what anyone else would d and he hires a band after surfing the web. the band follows him around all day until his date finally just asks why he doesn't just download Spotify.
We were assigned groups for this project to help integrate the Juniors and Seniors. My group and I collaborated to figure out our concept and we landed on Spotify. As director I annotated my script to help filming to smoothly as well as giving my DP and editor directions. As for casting, my team and I collaborated to get our actors in line. Our filming day went really well and we finished in our predicted time frame. Editing went well but I feel like it could have been better if we could have expanded it longer.
Overall, my group worked very well together and too direction well. We lacked with art direction due to the loss of a team member. I learned to make sure all bases are covered before filming (art direction) we could have had better costumes. 

If I could change anything I would add fun costumes for the band as well as expanding it to make it longer. I loved our concept and I loved my group and my actors. I feel as if they really helped make it come to life. My group worked really well together to make sure we met all of the requirements of a good commercial which I believe we executed great. As a team who worked together well and trusted each others judgement I believe it helped us create a great commercial using the 5 elements of filmmaking where lighting lacked cinematography was there to pick it up where sound lacked the acting saved it the strong parts out weighed the weak and I am very proud of my group.

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