Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hello- Short film

"Hello" was written and Directed by Alex Manriquez. The script was written to be self-aware and to acknowledge the life around Allison and Mat. We wanted to show the awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings people get when talking to strangers. Some of our feed back was, why would he go talk to the girl if he was about to leave? Well, if you were about to leave the state and never got a chance to tell that person how you feel wouldn't you regret it? We also believe Mat was looking for a reason to stay since he is a starving artist.
In pre Production we were supposed to story board and get all of our details with our actors worked out. However, Storyboarding didn't get done due to some members in our group not cooperating and goofing off with each other instead. The art directors, Me and Olivia, asked multiple times if the director wanted us to do them and the Director appointed the Production Designer who never worked to get them finished when we needed them for filming.
On the day of the shoot (Production) we woke up and began to film at 6am. It started off slow and I felt like I had to ask if we could get on track several times until the filming actually began. I also believe that the Production Designer wanted to be in charge and he began to take the Director and Director of Photography's (DP) roles. I know that both Art Directors felt a little bit helpless in the process not being able to get the laziness under control. Post Production is where our entire video fell through.
 Our editor told the team that he had it under control and didn't need help so to be productive Addie, Olivia, and I began to work on our client work that has a dedine coming up soon. To some it may have looked like we let our editor off on his own but in reality he told us he had it handled and didn't want help. Not only did our editor say he didn't want help but on Thursday he told us the video was done when it clearly was not. He later turned it in 2 days late after Mrs. Smith emailed us then texted me to make me aware of the situation. I then texted our editor to turn it in and what he tuned in looks like it was made in e9 Video.
Along the way I learned who I want to work with and who I would like to break away from. I would like  if next time we got to pick a senior to work with and then after we pick one senior the teacher would put us in groups because this is eComm and we need to collaborate and get fresh ideas from new people not sit in structured class where we only repeated the same things. I learn from getting new experiences and messing up not from repetition of the things I already know.
 To film we used the 50-1.4 lens and two 60D DSLR cameras. I felt like the five guarantees were not used well in our group because of the people we were working with. Collaboration lacked between the director and editor and also the DP. Project management crashed and burned after filming and the Production designer tried to become a leader when there was already one there causing tension and an adjustment to the writers original idea.
If I could do this different I would tell our editor that he wasn't editing. The edit was lazy and destroyed our short films concept and beauty. I wish the class could have seen it for what it really is not for what it was portrayed to be.
I loved the concept of the story and I would love to do it again. I know who I can work with and who I can't. I love working with Olivia and Addie but I would like to break free from the other members of our group because I want to excel and I feel as if I'm tied to a chair unable to share my thoughts and ideas. I liked how harsh the critiques were because I know that this is the worst project I've made for a long time. However, I felt like when the critiques from the instructor were being read aloud that it was more of criticism rather than a critique I would rather hear the things I need to hear just meeting with our short film groups and the instructor. I think it made everyone in our group look bad when some of us worked hard to avoid the things that happened. We needed to hear the critiques the instructor gave us to help us grow as artists but I do feel like we were getting critiques to our creativity when that is the most important part of eComm.
We are in the program because we are creative and we were chosen. I feel as if the structure that has been added to eComm has been holding me back from my peak of excellence. I want my ideas to matter and when I get an idea I want to work on it and communicate with my team about it rather than watching video reiterating things I learned in e9 I feel like I am in sophomore video class again. I like that eComm has gotten structure and isn't a wild zoo anymore. But I feel like since we have been in the program for 3-4 years we need to be able to make our mistakes, we need to learn, we need to know our selves as artists. It is hard to accomplish those new things when we are so tightly bound relearning the things we are already are of. I want to make movies as a career so I look up videos on my own time and I feel like eComm should be my time to work on my portfolio and what I love. 

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