Thursday, May 25, 2017

Video Final Reflection

This year in video I learned how to use a new editing software called Premier Pro. The adjustment from final cut to Premier was hard at first but I feel like it enhanced the knowledge I already had. I enjoy looking back on my blog to see how much I have improved and I am immensely happy with how much I have improved from start to finish. 
Music video

The project was to create a music video. You could either copy the exact video or you could make your own. We chose to base ours off of the Music video for 50 Ways to Say Goodbye. It took us about two days to story board and one to film. WE faced challenges such as changing our song in the middle of the process because we didn't like the outcome we were getting. As you can see, We filmed in Hyvee. We learned how to professionally talk to managers of business' to ask for permission to film. I was told to make it more stable and to use a tripod instead of trying to make warp stabilizer work. I changed the shots so that they didn't have the stabilization on it and it looks a lot better now. I really enjoyed working on this video because i got to do it with my friends and also do something we all share a passion for.
High School Trailer

The assignment was to re-create a high school trailer. This was a really hard project because we had to make it look the exact way it originally looked. It took about a week to story board, cast, and prepare scripts. My group took about three different days to film. We faced challenges of getting annoyed with each other and arguments but it was only because all of us wanted the video to be good.   We were told to try to make it look more like the trailer, so we found more clips to add variety to the trailer. Overall, This was not the outcome I was hoping for. The lighting was off in a lot of the shots and I wish we would have put more effort into it all together.

Short film

When we got back from spring break we went straight into short films. We were advised to make am 5-10 minute short film that had a beginning middle and an end. we started out writing film treatments and scripts and when we were given our groups, it was simple of run to choose because Addie's stood out. This project took up all of 4th quarter and was by far my favorite project. Some challenges we faced were things out of our control like weather causing us to reshoot certain scenes. Along the way we learned how to work in a collaborative group and that everyone needs to do their job. I discovered every job is equally important. During our premier, we were given feedback to make the ending more clear and tat our short film was very visually appealing. My overall opinion of this project is very good. I truly enjoyed my group and had an amazing time working with them. We worked very well together and got really close (especially on our 45 minute drive to the camp site).

I used my class time well when I had projects to do, however, when I finished early I could tend to get off track. If my boss gave me a job and I had an extra hour, I would go back through and Re-Edit or fix minor details.  This year I was given two endorsement projects. I really enjoyed getting these because it really tested my ability to work out in the world doing something i'm passionate about. My areas of strength include, Directing, Collaborating, and my creative mindset. I maximize my strengths but working with my group to make sure I get the desired outcome of my video. I could use some improvement in time management. I tend to get excited and rush or I become too much of a perfectionist and I tend to take to long.

This semester I loved getting to work with the people in my class. All go my groups had been amazing and I will miss my 7th hour video production class. I loved getting to work on the short film with two of my best friends, Addie Zoll and Jack Clayton, and also getting to know a very talented person, Ryan Burnett. I enjoyed working with them. When we were all working it didn't feel like it because we were having fun. I would change my outlook on first semester I didn't try really hard because I didn't like convergence. Next year I want to win imagine with a short film. I am beyond excited to spend another year with Mrs. Smith enhancing my learning and creative ability. I am excited for the freedom entertainment has and being able to do more in films then sophomore eComm students are allowed to do. This year eComm has been something I looked forward to everyday and I know next year it'll only get better.

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