Saturday, September 10, 2016

ONW procedures

In this video there is an excellent example of school involvement. for this project we had to show a good behavior in a 30 second video. My partner and I chose school involvement in Olathe Northwest theatre. We chose this concept because we know some people are afraid to out them selves out there. We are hoping that this video shows students that if you want to have a great high school experience you should get involved!

In Pre Production we were able to visualize every thing we wanted in our video by storyboarding. storyboarding is when you sketch and describe what all your shots are going to looking like. When we came to a disagreement about a shot, we would find a way to either put both in or to combine the two ideas to make something even better.

Production got a little harder because there were so many people around while we were filming so we had to keep telling other students to get out of our shots. It ended up taking us three days to film when it should have only taken two.

In post production we faced the most difficult part of our first assignment as video students. Having to switch from Final Cut Pro to Adobe Premiere Pro was a hard adjustment for I was very comfortable working in final cut. Both my partner and I had trouble importing our footage but we eventually got it and now we are prepared for our next assignment

From this assignment I learned that you can't be afraid to tell people to get out of your shot because if you don't, IT WILL PUT YOU BEHIND!!!

If I could change my video I would fix the white balance so the shots look the same, I would work on the focus of the camera, and I would retake a few of the shots so that they are more visually appealing.

I really liked the sequence of my shots because it told the story. I also really liked the concept of the video.

I will make sure that everyone that is working on my video is 100% focused because i did not like having to do part of the video at home and I also didn't like having my assignment late because of technical problems so i would give my self time for mistake or error in order to make sure everything is on time and ready to go for my teacher or client.

I really enjoyed this video. It was a good learning experience and now I am ready to tackle what ever comes next!

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