Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Semester Final- Video

ONW 1 in 2000

For this project we made a feature story over a person of our choice who attended ONW. It took us about two weeks to complete this assignment. I faced challenges with my video looking grainy. I wish I would have been able notice the grain while I was filming so I could have changed it. From that experience I learned to check my videos to make sure it looks and sounds the way I want it to look. I was told it was very visually appealing and that I needed to make it more impactful. I changed the voice overs to do so and I feel like it made the impact that I wanted it to make. Overall I really enjoyed this assignment because I got to do something I'm passionate about while filming something that my best friend is passionate about.     https://youtu.be/QMgIOXfV5LI

Kim Peek feature story
I a=made this feature story about my Mom. It took me about a week to finish it. I am pleased with what the out come of this project was.  I wanted to have my little sister in the video but she didn't feel comfortable talking about my moms cancer. I think that I made an impactful video that my family can hold dear to them forever. I learned how to change plans during this assignment. I Had to adapt to the situation and I had my Dad step in for my little sister. I was told to add name titles to the video so you knew who was talking.  https://youtu.be/PL-sLP8LFFA

Barbershop Quartet

I am most pleased with this video. I worked on it with Nick Johnson  for our classes ONW NOW. This was different from the other assignments because it was a news story rathe than a feature story. I had to use mostly medium shots because of this aspect. I feel like it would have been a lot better if it were a feature story because it could have more variety. A challenge I faced with this video was that the groups Bass, Evan Calkins, had bronchitis so he couldn't be there to sing and film with the rest of the group. I enjoyed listening to the boys sing and I hope it made our students aware that ONW isn't just sports.

Time Management 
I feel like I use my time better in this class than I have been doing in my Graphic Design class. In times I have finished early I usually help my friends with questions they have on their videos. If my boss asked me to enhance my video I would have a friend give me feedback on my video and I would make re-edits depending on what they say. I take all of my videos home with me to make sure that I get the desired grade and impact that I want the video to contain. I also make videos for fun in my free time. For example, I made a "Vlog" or a video blog of the Beauty and the Beast Tech Week. I edit the videos and post them for my friends and fellow cast members to see. 

I would say I'm good at making my videos visually appealing and interesting. I film things that I am interested in so that ONW NOW isn't just sports because I know people want to hear about other things. I think that I am creative and I bring something different to the plate in our class. 

I would say that my friends are my weaknesses. I talk to them to much and I get distracted and i can't let that happen. I do my best work at home where I am completely focused and relaxed. I need to just plug in my headphones and work on my videos to make them the quality I desire for my projects.

Although Convergence isn't what I am interested in, I can say that I enjoyed this semester a lot more then I expected to.  I wouldn't change anything about the semester because I learned so much about video, premiere, and how I should act to get my projects the way I wan them. Overall, I feel like i learned a lot about journalism and how to work the technology. Next semester I hope my skills in Premier Pro grow and I want to get the full entertainment experience so I will stay focused and work hard. As of right now, I am debating between Entertainment and Graphic Design so I know how focused I need to be because next semester is the deciding factor for that strand I'll choose to go into for the next two years. 

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