Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Semester Final- Video

ONW 1 in 2000

For this project we made a feature story over a person of our choice who attended ONW. It took us about two weeks to complete this assignment. I faced challenges with my video looking grainy. I wish I would have been able notice the grain while I was filming so I could have changed it. From that experience I learned to check my videos to make sure it looks and sounds the way I want it to look. I was told it was very visually appealing and that I needed to make it more impactful. I changed the voice overs to do so and I feel like it made the impact that I wanted it to make. Overall I really enjoyed this assignment because I got to do something I'm passionate about while filming something that my best friend is passionate about.     https://youtu.be/QMgIOXfV5LI

Kim Peek feature story
I a=made this feature story about my Mom. It took me about a week to finish it. I am pleased with what the out come of this project was.  I wanted to have my little sister in the video but she didn't feel comfortable talking about my moms cancer. I think that I made an impactful video that my family can hold dear to them forever. I learned how to change plans during this assignment. I Had to adapt to the situation and I had my Dad step in for my little sister. I was told to add name titles to the video so you knew who was talking.  https://youtu.be/PL-sLP8LFFA

Barbershop Quartet

I am most pleased with this video. I worked on it with Nick Johnson  for our classes ONW NOW. This was different from the other assignments because it was a news story rathe than a feature story. I had to use mostly medium shots because of this aspect. I feel like it would have been a lot better if it were a feature story because it could have more variety. A challenge I faced with this video was that the groups Bass, Evan Calkins, had bronchitis so he couldn't be there to sing and film with the rest of the group. I enjoyed listening to the boys sing and I hope it made our students aware that ONW isn't just sports.

Time Management 
I feel like I use my time better in this class than I have been doing in my Graphic Design class. In times I have finished early I usually help my friends with questions they have on their videos. If my boss asked me to enhance my video I would have a friend give me feedback on my video and I would make re-edits depending on what they say. I take all of my videos home with me to make sure that I get the desired grade and impact that I want the video to contain. I also make videos for fun in my free time. For example, I made a "Vlog" or a video blog of the Beauty and the Beast Tech Week. I edit the videos and post them for my friends and fellow cast members to see. 

I would say I'm good at making my videos visually appealing and interesting. I film things that I am interested in so that ONW NOW isn't just sports because I know people want to hear about other things. I think that I am creative and I bring something different to the plate in our class. 

I would say that my friends are my weaknesses. I talk to them to much and I get distracted and i can't let that happen. I do my best work at home where I am completely focused and relaxed. I need to just plug in my headphones and work on my videos to make them the quality I desire for my projects.

Although Convergence isn't what I am interested in, I can say that I enjoyed this semester a lot more then I expected to.  I wouldn't change anything about the semester because I learned so much about video, premiere, and how I should act to get my projects the way I wan them. Overall, I feel like i learned a lot about journalism and how to work the technology. Next semester I hope my skills in Premier Pro grow and I want to get the full entertainment experience so I will stay focused and work hard. As of right now, I am debating between Entertainment and Graphic Design so I know how focused I need to be because next semester is the deciding factor for that strand I'll choose to go into for the next two years. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Semester Final - Graphic Design

Photoshop tutorials- Landscape Man 
The first thing I did in my Sophomore Graphic Design class was learn the basic skills of photoshop. My favorite piece I did from the tutorials was the challenge piece. All it told you was what you needed to change about the photo but no directions on how to do it. I really enjoyed it because it tested my abilities and it was a lot of fun. This is my landscape man. It took two or three days for me to finish this specific piece because I was still learning how to use photoshop while I was creating it.  I used photoshop tools to replace the clothing items he was wearing to different landscape pieces. The most difficult part was doing it without direction given, but thats when the collaboration skills came into play. When one person in the class figured out ho to do a certain portion they helped everyone figure it out.  I changed the way the shirt was multiple times before I turned it in. I feel like it helped our class bond and be able to count on each other and feel comfortable asking each other for help. 
Illustrator Raccoon
This was our introduction to Illustrator project. We used a detailed tutorial to make a raccoon. 

This project took about a month to finish. Some of the challenges I faced were simple things like not knowing how to properly using tools or using them wrong. I feel like this project helped me a lot because I fell very comfortable in Illustrator now. I learned how to make simple shapes into a new object. I was told that the class liked my creativity. I changed the way my raccoons eyes were set because it made it older looking but it still had the cuteness factor. I enjoyed the Raccoon project because it was let us have artistic choice even though we were following a template. 
Raccoon Postcard 
We took the simple raccoon to the next level and we made a postcard of our choice. I chose Valentines day and used handwritten typography. It took about 3 weeks to  a month to finish this project because of the amount of detail needed to make it as good as it could be. I learned how to have an artistic vision and to stick with it. I really liked this project because I could put a lot of me in it. I learned how to create hand written typography and that was my favorite part of the assignment. Overall I liked creating this design  and it is one of my favorite assignments yet. 


I made my infographic about people in ONW theatre who want to pursue theatre as a career vs. people who do it just for fun. I am pleased with this on because it is simple and pleasing and I enjoy that about it. It was hard filling the empty space but I collaborated with my peers and we decided that I should make the Brooklyn bridge then turn the opacity down. that is my favorite part of the infographic. I was told to add banners to all of the heading but I felt like the Broadway heading should be special so I left it how it was. I really enjoyed this project and it makes me really like all the things you can do with Graphic design,

Time Management 
I fell for the most part that I used my time very well in my class. At the beginning go the year i talked to my friends quite a bit but I've gotten better because I know that if I'm focused I get more quality work turned in.  To stay productive after I finished my projects I try to help the people sitting next to me, I move on to the challenge piece, or I blog about what I had just done. If I  got done early with a design that my boss gave me I would look up other designers and see if they had anything to bring to the table. If iI had no luck with that I would make sure everything was polished and perfect before showing it tony boss/ client.  Most of the time I  send myself the projects so I can do them at home. I also practice at home and just experiment in Illustrator. 

I am very creative and I find it easy to come up with designs. I think that I produce good and different designs. Overall, I am proud of what I have created this year. I think that I have gotten better with focusing through the talking going on around me. the designs I produce are very me and I find them appealing. I would also say that I am good at hand written typography. I make sure my work shows me in it and even if I am supposed to be following a template that it still is unique and different.

Areas of improvement
I feel like I need to stop participating in the talking that goes around me. I see that it brings down my grades in this class so I will stop letting the behaviors happen. I believe I need work in photoshop because all we did with it was the beginning of the year. To help me gain skills in photoshop I can work on tutorials at him to help me. 
This semester I loved getting to now my Graphic Design class and being able to feel comfortable with it. I really loved Mrs. Smith because she always has a positive outlook on our designs and is so willing to help and she really wants the best for us. I would like to make sure that I stay on task more often next semester. This semester I learned a lot about the power of design and what effects it has on the world. In my most recent project about Massimo Vignelli he said, "If you do it right It will last forever." I really find that impactful and I will always have that in the  back of my mind when creating a design.  Next semester I hope to continue to learn how to use illustrator and I really want to  show my artistic ability. I'm excited to continue my knowledge and be able to help the people around me. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Kim Peek Feature story

In my feature story I interviewed my mom who beat breast cancer. I had her talk about her situation and how she stayed positive through it all. I feel like I didn't really have a narrative lede but I had a shot of my mom running with the leaves and it symbolized life and improvement for  my mom. If I were to do the assignment again I think I would have had more of a narrative lede that hooked you into the story. I feel like having my dad be my second source really complimented the video because its a perspective of someone who loves her like no other and it shows how we all were able to stick together. I feel like without the his interview the story would have just been long. I feel like it added the emotion it needed to add to make the feature story special. I enjoyed getting to see my mom running and I really love that she's so positive and let me make my story about her. I enjoyed being out side shooting my video because it helped me find a lot of aesthetically pleasing. I find editing really peaceful but for this specific piece it was really hard to get through it just because of all of the emotions. I didn't run into any problems with editing or shooting so i very much enjoyed making this feature story. I feel like I got a lot of compliments and as much as I like that I wish I could have had more critiques so I knew what to fix. Overall I enjoyed the assignment.

Infographic Blog

I chose ONW students interested in Broadway fro my topic because I am passionate about theatre so I wanted to see others who have the same passion as I do in one neat place. 
I Made a GroupMe of the Olathe Northwest Rep theatre class and I had the members like a message for what ever option they wanted to pursue. I took the results and transferred them to my infographic.
I started with just a rough sketch of what I wanted to do. At first it was just a lot of different theatre things scattered around but then I decided there was too much and it needed to be more simple.
When I put it in illustrator, I decided it was too plain so I created the Brooklyn bridge and I added banners to Broadway Bound. I only added it to Broadway Bound because when I added it to everything else it looked too cluttered. I also thought Broadway bound was the most special so i thought it needed something special added to it. 
I got feedback saying I needed to add banners but i didn't feel like it would look the way i wanted it look if i added it. 
I learned a lot of project management through this project and I think i found my love for graphic design in it. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

How to write a Feature Story

In class on Friday we we're able to explore the winning video by, Lina Sattarin. It was about sophomore, Abby Rist, and her love for golf. It started with a strong opening shot and voice over. She used the rule of thirds very well and made sure her shots were visually appealing. Lina also made sure her editing was precise so there would be no jump cut and that her video would flow. At the end of her video she had strong voice over with a memorable clip of Abby hitting the golf ball with the Nat noise in the background. Overall her video was very well put together and she did a very good job of collecting Abby's love of the sport. Below I have written a list of tips that I collected from the Honorable Mentions in my class:

How to get the appropriate out come to your feature story:
1.  Have a strong beginning shot and voice over
2.  Used the 6 shot system (using a mix gives it more variety and makes it more visually appealing)
3.  Make sure you have Nat noises (Nat: Natural noise)
4.  Have a good mix of B role and pieces from your interview. Note:  You can use your subjects voice as a voice over under B role
5.  Make sure you don't have any jump cuts try to edit your video to the best of your ability.
6.  Don't forget to have voice overs of yourself speaking about the topic throughout the video.
7.  Make sure you don't say I, We, or your name in the feature story.
8.  Have a strong ending with an impactful saying from the person your interviewing or say something to sum it up at the end of your video.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Feature Story Experience

I had to think of a narrative lede to start my story and so I used a quote from Jake himself. I didn't enjoy the writing portion of the assignment because I didn't feel like it was as personal. However, I enjoyed the creative freedom of writing it. 

My feature story was about Jake Bartley an Olathe Northwest junior that lives to dance. He told me about his experiences dancing and how he feels free when he dances. I also interviewed his mom who is so encouraging and proud of everything he does. I feel like Jakes dancing says all it needs to say about him. I didn't want to have a second interview because I didn't want to distract from all the amazing things Jake can do. I wanted my voice over to be as meaningful as Jakes dancing so it was hard for me to come up with the right things to say. I ended up having my mom help me with my voice over because she used to be a write so I wanted that feel to the story. I enjoyed watching my best friend do what he loves to do so it really brought me joy to be able to add his talents to the thing I love to do. my favorite part of my video is my beginning shot with the silhouette of Jake.

“I think the best word to describe how I feel when I’m dancing is probably free. Just because there's no other feeling like it. It’s hard to describe but it’s a good thing,” Jake Bartley said.

For some people dancing is just a casual way to have fun, but for Olathe Northwest junior, Jake Bartley, it’s a way of life. Jake dances all over the Kansas City area with an occasional class in New York City.

Bartley also participates in aerial dance which consists of silks, lira, and trapeze. He goes to classes at Lucia in Town Center to continue to work on his unique skills. Jake was inspired to start silks when he saw P!nk perform the intriguing style in concert several years ago.

Bartley is currently looking at colleges in Pittsburgh, Oklahoma, and New York. He is hoping to pursue dance as a career in the future. Jakes family and friends are all very supportive of his dancing and love watching him succeed in what he loves to do.

When life becomes stressful or he just needs a break, Jake Bartley turns to dance.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Feature Story

My feature story was about Jake Bartley an Olathe Northwest junior that lives to dance. He told me about his experiences dancing and how he feels free when he dances. I also interviewed his mom who is so encouraging and proud of everything he does. I feel like Jakes dancing says all it needs to say about him. I didn't want to have a second interview because I didn't want to distract from all the amazing things Jake can do. I wanted my voice over to be as meaningful as Jakes dancing so it was hard for me to come up with the right things to say. I ended up having my mom help me with my voice over because she used to be a write so I wanted that feel to the story. I enjoyed watching my best friend do what he loves to do so it really brought me joy to be able to add his talents to the thing I love to do. my favorite part of my video is my beginning shot with the silhouette of Jake.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Raccoon Project

We made raccoons with adobe illustrator. I really enjoyed using my artistic ability to make different take on the original raccoon with berries. If I could redo my assignment I would take it farther so I could be different than other peoples post cards. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

organizing clips tutorial

If you are wanting to organize your clips in Premiere Pro, an option would be to use bins. A a bin holds files, sequences, and other bins.
How to use your bin:

  1. Go to the bottom left corner of your screen and click on the new bin button or use the key board shortcut of Command+/

     2. To open the bin double click on it. If you are wanting to open a bin in a new tab use the         keyboard shortcuts of Option-double-click 

     3. If you desire to change the behaviors of the panel you can click Premiere Pro>Preferences>General

     4. To move an item to a bin you can simply drag what you need into the desired bin.  If you need to import into a bin use the keyboard shortcut of Command i 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

ONW 1 in 2000

Blaise Keasler is an outgoing girl who loves makeup and Halsey. She is a Sagittarius and likes to use tarot cards. I made my ONW 1 in 2000 video about Blaise because she has a lot to say and is an interesting person.

I already knew Blaise very well so it was hard to learn too much more but I enjoyed talking to her because who doesn't want to talk to Blaise Keasler??? I thought it was very fun to be able to edit a video about such an intriguing person.

I had Blaise help me with  my voice over because I didn't know what to say about the video because I thought she said everything she needed to say. I couldn't get my voice over to sound the way I wanted it to so I eventually just stuck with the last one I did.

I really liked the back ground go my video in the dressing room because she talks about performing so I feel like the setting really fit with the video its self.

 If I were to redo this assignment I would make sure I focused the camera better and I would also out her name at the beginning because you don't know her name until the very end of the video.

Overall I enjoyed this project more than the last one because I never felt rushed and I felt like I was able to do everything I needed to do to make the video as god as it could be for this specific assignment.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Photoshop Reflection

Throughout all the photoshop tutorials I learned how to use the different tools to make each photo visually appealing. During this assignment I learned that focus is extremely important and that it is okay to mess up because that is how you learn. I learned project management and the ability to put a project to the side and breathe for a second when the project isn't working ( For example when the pictures or videos disappeared from the graphics server). I believe that these tutorials will help me in the future because I had to figure a lot of things out for myself an help my fellow classmates when they needed help. I think that this project helped me with my leadership skills and I can take it with me in the future eComm classes. I was able to pick up what the tutorials were saying very quickly and apply it. My weaknesses were definitely  being a social butterfly. It is hard for me to work in completely silent classrooms especially when I am supposed to be creative because I get inspired by what others say and I apply that to my work.  If I could do this project again I would try to make the work a little more my own instead of just following the tutorials. I would also work harder to finish faster. If I did it again I would spend more time on the challenge project. I fell as if I did well on this assignment. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

ONW procedures

In this video there is an excellent example of school involvement. for this project we had to show a good behavior in a 30 second video. My partner and I chose school involvement in Olathe Northwest theatre. We chose this concept because we know some people are afraid to out them selves out there. We are hoping that this video shows students that if you want to have a great high school experience you should get involved!

In Pre Production we were able to visualize every thing we wanted in our video by storyboarding. storyboarding is when you sketch and describe what all your shots are going to looking like. When we came to a disagreement about a shot, we would find a way to either put both in or to combine the two ideas to make something even better.

Production got a little harder because there were so many people around while we were filming so we had to keep telling other students to get out of our shots. It ended up taking us three days to film when it should have only taken two.

In post production we faced the most difficult part of our first assignment as video students. Having to switch from Final Cut Pro to Adobe Premiere Pro was a hard adjustment for I was very comfortable working in final cut. Both my partner and I had trouble importing our footage but we eventually got it and now we are prepared for our next assignment

From this assignment I learned that you can't be afraid to tell people to get out of your shot because if you don't, IT WILL PUT YOU BEHIND!!!

If I could change my video I would fix the white balance so the shots look the same, I would work on the focus of the camera, and I would retake a few of the shots so that they are more visually appealing.

I really liked the sequence of my shots because it told the story. I also really liked the concept of the video.

I will make sure that everyone that is working on my video is 100% focused because i did not like having to do part of the video at home and I also didn't like having my assignment late because of technical problems so i would give my self time for mistake or error in order to make sure everything is on time and ready to go for my teacher or client.

I really enjoyed this video. It was a good learning experience and now I am ready to tackle what ever comes next!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Spring break 2015 was a really exciting time because I was accepted into the  e-Communication program at Olathe Northwest High school. I was excited to start a new journey as an e-Comm student and learn the four strands, Graphic Design, Video, Animation, and Web Design.
For each quarter, I learned the basic structures of each strand. In Graphic Design I learned how to use adobe illustrator and to use basic shape to make amazing pictures (like batman). I learned how to used final cut pro in video. We learned about the six shot system and camera angles. In animation I learned how to use photoshop and learned the fundamentals of animation.
I learned everything from video tutorials, teacher lectures, and collaboration with other students. The teachers all helped and made sure you understood the criteria. After we learned we worked on the assigned project and actually did it.

Each of the strands are important because they speak to people in different ways. For example, in Graphic Design you use CARP to make your projects compelling. In video you can make something amazing for other people to see and it was a good introduction to what we can do in our next years.
I feel like I am really good in video. I enjoy designing the shots and the filming processes and seeing the film come together in the end. I also enjoyed Graphic Design. I thought it was so cool how many things you make out of simple circles #BATMAN.  I struggled with animation and web design. It wasn’t that it was hard it just didn’t click with me. I did enjoy it but I just didn’t understand how it worked. I feel like i’ve improved not only with the skills my teachers have taught me but with my people skills.
I will take what i have learned with e9 throughout the rest of my e-Comm career and also throughout my life. I have learned the importance of time management, project management, organization, collaboration,  communication, and the importance teamwork.
Next year i would hope e9 students have the same experience I had. I would like to thank my teachers for helping me learn everything and make my transition into high school easy. 

I’m excited for my next three years in eComm. With everything i’ve learned it has helped me not only as an e-Communication Student but as a  person too.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


this is my favorite of our photoshop projects. it took a long time for me to figure this out. I had to get rid of the cars and lamp posts and it took me almost an entire class period.